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I want to know: 1. the BEST wayAp to stop traffic cops from accosting us; 2. how to get DIRECT (not circuitous) access to our credit.

1. Agencies such as banks, insurance, utilities, tax, mortgage, medics, courts, etc. steal from us, but the biggest and most common group of thieves is the cops, as they not only enforce but also initiate theft. 2. Currently, our only access to our credit is via a Public Agent who APPROVES our request.

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Leave a Reply to Arden

  1. I would like to know how to get access to my credit. Is there any books I can access to get more information about becoming sovereign? Thank you.

  2. As a sovereign who knows the “system” set up an account under our name in all caps of course. How can we turn the tables on these criminals and get access to those funds?