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The five burning questions that were in the email, except I would like to know how to deal with these questions if you are in Louisiana, France, or Spain or one of the jurisdictions that is under the Napoleonic code.: Q: How do I reclaim my strawman or access my bond!? Q: Can I legally and lawfully opt out of taxes? Q: Regarding my mortgage, what options do I have? Q: Will this work in court? If so, what percentage of the time has it worked? Q: Can I build without permits… and if so, how??

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Are you familiar with using equity as a process for remedy when presented with a legal presentation/negotiable instrument? I’ve taken a class on the topic, and the idea is that because everything is commerce, you can simply ask a judge (after making a special appearance, which I understand to be acting as a man/woman) to settle/close the matter. In essence, you aren’t arguing facts, jurisdiction, etc., you’re just asking them to settle and close the matter since it’s mostly just a matter of balancing the books/accounting-wise.

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How do we protect ourselves using any ‘system’ solution (personal civil liability) when it is clear our governments could care less given how they have trampled any and all law anyway?

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I know that we do not actually own our homes, mortgage free or not; we own nothing already and just don't recognize this fact. When a person lives in a world that totally rejects individual rights and freedoms and can control whether you have housing or food in your mouth and clearly intends to eliminate…

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland essentially broke the financial code of Omerta, by highlighting how easy it is for government to seize your bank accounts, credit cards, retirement accounts, insurance, mortgages, loan access and cut you off from money (without due process). The unintended consequence was an immediate and clear reference point if government did the same action with a digital ID in place. However, this undermined confidence and faith in the banking system cannot be restored quickly. The toothpaste cannot be put back into the tube. The horse has left the barn. Quickly this becomes a moment for immediate damage control by the Canadian government. This explains why Justin Trudeau dropped the declaration of the Emergency Act. We know to maybe keep most of your cash out of the banks, and only keep set amounts for bills. But we don’t want govts to make laws/illegals to sieve people’s sweet equity/assets under digital IDs without due process.

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govts need to leave my assets Alone!