Praise From Community Leaders
Testimonials & Success Stories
Knowledge Share Testimonials
I had a feeling when I first came to learn about the sovereign's way that taking this path would be the most important gift I can give to myself, but I didn't know that it would change me and my life the way it did. When I returned to Tel Aviv from Mexico after saving myself from the man I got married to, I thought it would take me a few years until i would have the courage to travel again, and 10 weeks to the sovereign's way and I booked my month and a half visiting friends in Europe without the fear that he would find me, Since the beginning of the course I saw how the fear is leaving me, I found my standing in the world, I even stopped being afraid of what if he would not sign the divorce papers, now I have the knowledge how to write him a notice and how to stand in front of him, Moreover, after last week's session, more doors started to open, and more options were revealed due to the new tools of how to see and understand the world we are living in, Thank you again for everything
BTW, i just finished my first listening of the 10 modules... WOW! With my wife, we have been studying for 15+ years sovereignty and legal and lawful remedies. Your course is the best! Clear, concise, heart felt, logical, and freedom inducing without foo-foo!!!
I won my case with the city of Cleveland after the 3rd notice! It was great!
Linda Shay
Terrific course! Thank you Jon and Greg. This has helped solidify my understanding of law and more importantly, how to exercise it.
This course has definitely changed who i am in so many ways, i am really liking who i am becoming, i clear any controversy up very quickly, it is in my nature now to go to remedy, my reality is so much more peaceful, loving & kind.
I have never been so excited about a course before it is an ongoing journey. Thank you all again, what a wonderful community to be a part of.
I completed the course and it was absolutely mind blowing. It is about finding what is "true" about yourself and the world, facing your fears/emotions and creating a better existence for started me down a path of discovery that i cannot explain.
It took a bit to integrate the first 2 modules of the Law For Mankind that honestly jump-started a few massive changes in my life! These amazing teachings almost feel like an unfolding prophecy! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and courage with us!
True to form, as the Knowledge Share content filters down towards my soul, I was served two threatening notices from a company I did business with before I retired some years back. Two honour-filled correspondences later and I never heard from them again.
Having a continuously unfolding understanding and applying the principles with ease and flow as more comes into focus. Learning to live from love rather than creating unnecessary situations for myself as a result of inner controversies. Unraveling the web daily. This information clearly came to me when i was ready for it, and i will review and refine my understanding and implementation of the principles in my daily life.
i, have been doing emotional work for some time, but the knowledge share really helped kick that up to the next level. i, surrendered to the feeling of utter powerlessness. Afterward, a really beautiful cleaned-out feeling persisted, as if pipes had unclogged. i, could list many similar examples of feeling everything, saying what is true, and staying in honour; this is the core of the course, i, feel. i, also really appreciate the notice-writing sections; those make so much sense and are very clear.
The knowledge has pulled all the information I have learned in the past regarding law to give me an understanding of why things work in court and why they don't. The information is amazing and I already have more confidence to interact with people. The course has made me think about the titles i use. I feel like i need to go through a second time and be more thorough.
Your teachings have impacted me greatly since it has brought to light how much more needed to be addressed in order for me to become the man I have always wanted to be. I have a sense of peace now that keeps getting deeper and deeper. When I'm ready, I plan to finish what I started by taking the LFM Knowledge Share over again from the beginning. Much love,
i, find the emotional work in the Knowledge Share so helpful, as well as the education about how to write notices and know the law. It is worth every penny.
i just wanted to say thank you for this course. The self-reflection and discovery of what we've all, as mankind, allowed ourselves to be bound to through various illusions. When dealing with the inner works, there is no answer that another can give, only suggestion that has worked for the one giving the advice. You deserve to be compensated for doing the work that saves time and effort for others, but in the end it is up to us, as mankind, to figure out how to use it in the way that best serves us and brings honour to ourselves and our brothers and sisters of mankind! So thank you for being you, and thank you for your work!
The knowledge that I, and I alone, can know, set and express my law. The realisation that I, and all of mankind, need not rely on corrupt institutions to maintain order and peace within society. This knowledge has empowered and inspired me to uphold my rights and the rights of all. I really enjoyed how Greg emphasised the crucial point that this knowledge and the application of it boils down to understanding who we really are as men and women, and as individual souls. This knowledge needs to be grounded as embodied knowledge / wisdom. I enjoyed Greg and John's presentation styles and the differences between the two - they compliment each other well.
i had my day in court.
Writing the notice of i was a magical experience.
i have talked directly to the soul of i and was capable of holding the court of i properly. The soul of i answered and earth became the paradise. It seems that i have opened the gates to the heart/earth. It's such a beautiful sight, this i of the earth/heart!
Thank you!
I have ongoing opportunities to learn and grow, that I'm using LFM to help me navigate. Regardless of the outcome, these are all successes because I have learned so much about the rights of i: a man, speaking and living what is true, the law common to i, and the way of the Sovereign (God/Nature/Love). Leaning into every emotion and confronting the monster under the bed, at EVERY opportunity, no matter how difficult. I've always believed in the saying "Feel the fear and do it anyway" but that saying has taken on new meaning now. I think differently. I feel different. I communicate differently. The fear is, and has always been, inside me. But I'm working through it now.
Greetings from the outskirts of Melbourne Australia. I would like to thank you and The Sovereign's Way for becoming part of my journey. The Knowledge Share completely changed the way i was negotiating this time and space. The course cleared up a lot of questions. Armed with a new understanding my life was not restricted by physical lock downs or other people's fear. Fully expected to be challenged, and was prepared for any such challenges - they just did not occur - go figure. The Blueprint course will accelerate my deepening knowledge. Wow so impressed by the clarity and succinctness of the information provided. Gives me guidance and answers many questions/observations i have been working on over many years. Thank you so much.
Love it! Thank you for these helpful tools and guidance. The knowledge share was exactly what I was looking for and the blueprint builds on this information perfectly. Much appreciated. Thank you!
I loved the private life blueprint. The law for mankind was a fantastic course and the blueprint complimented it very well. It answered many questions I had and set me on my own path to discover the answers to others for myself. Your L4M course was the push I needed to finally break through the last wall. And the blueprint was full of practical usage ideas once I was there. I am eternally grateful for what you all have done. It has definitely changed my life
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Implementation Sessions Testimonials
I no longer have an existential fear of someone coming after me and feeling helpless about it. It really forced me to take a look at my own life and the ways that I’m out of harmony with love/law and responsibility as a man. I felt like I grew up ten years during the course.
Thank you for the information contained in the Knowledge Share course. Having completed the 10 weeks and the corresponding implementation sessions, i have come to a place where i recognise that clarity comes with sitting through or allowing the knowledge to work through all of the situations that present to i. My experience of the 10 week course, Q&A Archive, etc. has proved that everything i need is within, and has gradually been revealing itself over the weeks and continues to be revealed on a daily basis.
There have been several conversations with family where I have been able to remove controversy by taking responsibility for past actions. It has been empowering to recognize that as I lay down the titles I have used, I have found a simplicity in just being I. I’m currently feeling a lot of grief processing through me. Which is an interesting process because I’m content in the discontent of it. I’m leaning into it and expressing it as authentically as I can. This has been an amazing experience. I have shifted greatly in the manner of my daily interactions with others. Overall I feel this has been a tremendous value to my life. The information is relayed very well by both Greg and Jon in ways that are unique to their circumstances yet applicable across a wide range of circumstances. The reality that we are the heroes in our own journey is effectively communicated. Their desire to share experience as opposed to prescribing action is empowering and unique.
I like the way instead of saying we have to stand as a man and fight be aggressive in responding, I can now get on with my life and work and IF I get anything I have to deal with I can use the notices to remove the controversy. Instead of trying to be something I'm not, an aggressive mouthy fighter, in conflict with the so called authorities, defending our rights and all that stuff. I can now BE the quiet calm peaceful loving humble man and if I get any bother from so called authorities, seek to remove controversy then use notices if needed. Like Jon said there is no government only man or woman working in so called government roles/titles, man or woman are the government, no bogie man
Defeating the corrupt medical establishment who was contracted to make me legally disabled so i could not access sovereignty was possible by this course. Now i can attain remedy and exit the system. Greg and Jon truly put together a 10-week Sui Juris masterpiece! i remove doubt fear and controversy and can easily learn what i don't want to simply by wishing i had desire to know.
I’ve finished the knowledge share course and am going through the additional material. I’ve found it helpful already in establishing the kind of mindset - a questioning mind - that I want to have when dealing with people, agents or not. So far I like the energy this brings when I make connections with other people and how it changes where attention is focused. I came to the conclusion a while ago that finely tuned observational skills would be crucial to have in my toolkit and this course has helped show how to do that, always with the questions 😀
I did your Law for Mankind course last winter. What I did come away with was being deeply impressed with the emotional work you talk about in a couple of the sessions, the importance of transcending the embedded fear of authority and the need to be clear about my own law and my own authority to establish and stand in it.
I am so grateful to have been introduced to lawcommontoi and law for mankind. I love the knowledge share program, and will know how to protect myself and my sons and daughter.... if they ever come after us AGAIN !
My taking your course, and using it to secure a mothers child back into her custody using the law for mankind's teachings, where solicitors had failed for 3 years; your system took 20 minutes to resolve the issue in her favour, powerful stuff
i had the opportunity to put to test what i learnt pretty much in time with the end of the course at court - due to an expired driver's license fine. Although i consider the outcome a success (the fine was reduced by half and no court fees to pay), i believe if i had had a bit more time to integrate certain aspects of the knowledge share, i would have been able to actually hold my own court. I think i had lined up the chess figures pretty well, but missed out on one particular move to get the magistrate to play chess instead of monopoly. Having to deal with the court case during the course was such a great opportunity to apply insights in real life and observe my emotions and shift energies, it was really empowering. The absolute biggest and most unexpected outcome of the course is the effect it had on my lifelong struggle with dealing with anger. i feel the course overall increased my self confidence, the soul part of this course resonated with me on a more profound level than any other things i heard and tried over time.
I have been integrating and implementing a deeper innerstanding of the sovereign's way course. There's still a lot of material in the knowledge archives i have not looked into yet. However, this process continues to transform and liberate. I am so grateful.
I would like to give gratitude for the manner of which this content presented and the humility of the men who developed it. Your service to humanity is highly esteemed. I especially appreciate the emphasis on Love and the open heart approach one should have with this knowledge. Its power can never be overestimated.
I have been integrating and implementing a deeper innerstanding of the sovereign's way course. This process continues to transform and liberate. I am so grateful.
i have done your course and magical results did happen with standing in my power and the law unto i; it has slung me into a different realm, your wonderful format, energy and knowledge, and then actually applying it, has been the most orgasmical experience of my life, thank you!
Still undoing the boogie man mentality of them and they. The knowledge I gained from your course really flowed back through a lot of my past work revealing how there really is an alternative to the hypocrisy of implied authority. I’m a man who I feel has maintained a connection to freedom my entire life. Just not knowing how to protect and express that inner knowing has been the problem. Im feeling much more confident after the course.
Thanks to Greg and Jon I Now have the knowledge to proceed with a Claim for the heinous trespass against I. What is important with the Law for Mankind Program is that we now have a sense of hope and freedom and far reaching effects into our spiritual, emotional and mental health. I encourage everyone to join the program and change their life in unparalleled ways.
It feels like i'm on a path of integration and being mindful of how my new knowledge can let old patterns fall away. i was able to bring forth remedy for contract that was bringing me harm in two correspondences. (initiated Module 3 and resolved before Module 10.) i've felt a shift with my need to convince. it was a real breakthrough for me to see that it's spiritual violence as far as free will. this course was life-changing in giving me the tools and knowledge to effectively use my voice and power in this crazy world
I worked through two controversy's (...). I understand that the goal is to seek remedy and is not to do something that would cause more controversy so I am content with what I learned in both situations. Learn and move on. I have become more honest in my partner relationship. I have become calmer and less defensive since starting the course. The biggest change has been what has happened since I practised, 'I wish that I desired to know myself.' I am now knowing fear. I am allowing myself to feel it rather than pushing it away in various ways. I am recognizing the ways I buried fear and I am making gains in dropping these addictive behaviours. I am trying to focus on the Law of Attraction and am beginning to learn how to allow and to ask for the abundancy. I have attracted less than what I am beginning to desire now with the benefits of the course. Spending time each day with the course material is the most important thing I do right now.
The course has changed how I view everything I see and hear, I will continue to integrate the knowledge from here on out and practice if necessary. Thank you both for this wonderful course 🙏🏻
the information gained so far has added clarity and created a better understanding of where pre-existing information failed. My previous experience could of been more successful with the information provide and learned so far
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Foundations Testimonials
Thank you for the final piece of the puzzle. I always felt there wasn't a final answer to "everything", but so far this course seems to be the final answer that I've been looking for all my life. Now I realise it all had its purpose. Many thanks.
I finished Module 1. It made a huge shift in my understanding. Those titles…oh geez! That was a huge missing piece because you think by doing paperwork to change your status, you are getting off the game board but really you just add more titles you have to defend. This was such a relief for me to see… life-changing really. Taking responsibility for my current circumstances… another huge shift. Im loving it… excited for the possibility of being able to discover the real me. So many shifts for me in just the first module…wow! So happy I found you.
A few days delving into this material and my gratitude is vibrating in the cells of this body. The relief is huge. My heart is overflowing with profound love! I have never been happier signing up for anything. I have hardly started and I am over the moon. EVERYTHING else pales in comparison.
I'm enjoying the first module very much, thank you, and am grateful for the work you have done to provide this course.
I have completed through 1.4 of the first module. Wow!! I am really glad that I signed up for this! I am really looking forward to learning the remainder of the information! I already can tell that this information is highly valuable and is quite different from other “sovereign” courses. Thanks for making this course available!
Never have I come across a teaching that brings my attention to all the necessary details for a thorough cleansing of my expression as a man until now. I look forward to freeing myself.
I've completed your Lessons in Law, Law for Mankind Foundations and Private Life courses. I do very much resonate with creating the inner shifts and approaching things in the simplest, most-straightforward way possible. Most of the time people are approaching things with complicated paperwork, language, and from unresolved triggers as a way of protecting from the outside in, where your material is transforming from within, so the outside will arrange in harmony around you.
Everything I am learning and hearing is resonating with me so much! I am eager to learn more from the Sovereigns Way as I am ready to take action. The foundations course so far has been so enlightening! I'll be full steam ahead learning again and taking action. thank you
Finally someone not spreading fear! Love what you guys are doing. Hearing Greg and John vindicate my thoughts really was refreshing! Module 1 made me feel calm, happy and relaxed. Like a weight lifted off my shoulders! Excited for the rest!
The Sovereign's Way is exactly what i have been longing for. it is all new, but also resonates with all that lives anciently in my soul and fits in well with what I am already doing. I hadn't realized how much energy grappling with the system of fictions while working to maintaining my personal integrity was taking. The relief is immense, the words in the module a balm. all i want to do is focus on, integrate, and share this beautiful program. thank you
I really enjoyed Module 1 and am very excited to continue as it does appear to be a far superior way forward and should have elected that as first choice, before heading down the more convoluted and hellish road of sovereignty-citizenship officialdom where one is expected to have the Vatican & IRS on speed dial, but a good learning experience on what not to do all the same.
i just wanted to thank you for what already looks like a mind-shifting experience. just having done module 1 (twice in succession), it’s already making some fundamental shifts. Jon’s seven layers removed between man/woman and defendant was wonderfully put. i have arrived here, having done significant work in other areas (looking into meta physics, quantum physics, various spiritual writings, already the fears of illness, of ‘current affairs’, news etc are a thing of the past, and already a large chunk of my earnings is given away) but this course seems to be a way of eradicating some remaining fears, and bringing everything else together. so thank you again, it’s a good new habit to take care over every word that is said or written.
Greetings dear soul Greg,
Wow-—I've only finished module 1. Eagerly awaiting the other modules be added to my page as i have set aside time to devour the information the next three days. I’ve been on the sovereignty path for about 15 months, and i finally believe i found what I've been waiting for all along.
As an accomplished educator, i appreciate the simplicity of the framework (reality vs. fiction) and the scaffolding you demonstrate to move from simple to more complex ideas. Well done.
Hi, I've just completed the first week and i feel changed already. This course could not have come along at a better time!
Hi Greg, for me, the final pieces on this journey are falling into place beautifully...
Thanks to you and John for being way showers and and for sharing.
‘Thank you very much. I am a slow learner, still repeating module 1. But i will keep up at any moment. This is really cool, and is changing my way of thinking through knowledge. When i was younger i was attracted to law, but did not study law because i did not see it as the best tool for justice, so i studied something else and became a journalist/writer/artist. always trying to communicate. Your course has given me a whole different perspective on how language has been used to organize a community and how we can actually improve our communication when we understand not only language as a tool but also the intention behind the language and its consequences. And i feel this is just the beginning,
All the very best to you,
Enjoying it tremendously so far! Fantastic to have access to this powerful knowledge that should be taught at schools.
Greg, i so appreciate your generosity in sharing your information in this first module of your course. The information is certainly eye opening and very much needed, especially now at this point in time, all over the planet!
My mind was blown wide open after learning about the real law and titles, slaving away for years and years being a part of the system. I'm going to need to rewatch multiple times so this course sinks in my brain so i can put this knowledge into everyday life. Thank you Greg and Jon for this priceless information.
A huge thank you to you and Jon for module 1, which is eye-opening.
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Private Life Blueprint Testimonials
I want to send you my appreciation for the Private Life Blueprint course. It has pointed out many helpful things. Especially the guidance to be fully, authentically me. Free from anything outside of this bodily experience. It is a guidance home. Relating and being in contact with people unentangled gives me a feeling of enormous and expanding freedom. It all starts with me, as a man. The public realm has tools that i can use, and i can choose whether and how to use them or not. Thank you for the beautiful pointers.
Thank you for all your work to help see the root of all interactions. The understanding of entanglement is as if the light has been switched on, where I was wading in the dark, feeling limited by obstacles. Now I see and I can move with understanding. The greatest aha moments were around choices, decisions and responsibility. I avoided enquiry as I was looking for a peaceful way to exist. Now I can live. A lot of growing up delayed due to lack of access to such teachings as you provide. My children listened with me and they took some of it on - we can now apply it in life. With blessings and gratitude,
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge. I've found it enlightening, challenging and profound. With Love,
Thank you for the wisdom you have shared with the Private Life Blueprint. I am loving the numerous aha! moments I am receiving from your course. When this happens it's not necessarily an intellectual understanding, but a knowing throughout my body - a resolution, an answer to a missing piece in my puzzled search for what it means to be free.
Greetings from the outskirts of Melbourne Australia. I would like to thank you and The Sovereign's Way for becoming part of my journey. The Knowledge Share completely changed the way i was negotiating this time and space. The course cleared up a lot of questions. Armed with a new understanding my life was not restricted by physical lock downs or other people's fear. Fully expected to be challenged, and was prepared for any such challenges - they just did not occur - go figure. The Blueprint course will accelerate my deepening knowledge. Wow so impressed by the clarity and succinctness of the information provided. Gives me guidance and answers many questions/observations i have been working on over many years. Thank you so much.
I am still loving, listening and absorbing the resources and already i can feel a big shift in myself and my strength to be in authenticity. Everything and anything with integrity and grace!! Thank you for your time and high vibrations.
For me the Private Life Blueprint is a helpful addition to and expansion on the Knowledge Share. It put some things of the Knowledge Share into perspective. Thank you for all the pointers and tips that are of great help on my journey!
Love it! Thank you for these helpful tools and guidance. The knowledge share was exactly what I was looking for and the blueprint builds on this information perfectly. Much appreciated. Thank you!
I'm loving this extension of the law for mankind. It's really driving home the concepts. I know something is true when it is simple. Your one page depiction of what it means to be in the private is everything. I knew on some level that it had to be that simple. As I continue to feel everything, this blueprint gives me somewhere to land. You are truly a gift from Our Creator!
I loved the private life blueprint. The law for mankind was a fantastic course and the blueprint complimented it very well. It answered many questions I had and set me on my own path to discover the answers to others for myself. Your L4M course was the push I needed to finally break through the last wall. And the blueprint was full of practical usage ideas once I was there. I am eternally grateful for what you all have done. It has definitely changed my life
Thank you! I said yes to the Private Life Blueprint yesterday and immediately began to absorb modules 1 & 2. Already I know that I have invested wisely. The hard earned knowledge you've gleaned, + the framework with which you convey the information is unlocking something - it is good and real and cracking my heart open. I'm feeling more free, self- empowered, and compassionate in relation to the public and ready for what's next. Grateful for the container you've created.
I was part of the first cohort of the Private Life Blueprint and since I have succeeded in disentangling things considerably. I have gone from zero income and relying on family to having taken the first step to accept where I was. Now I am in a position to finally be able to afford the Knowledge Share. Tackling my debts is the next thing and I know that resolving all of the places where things are not right is needed before I can regain my health and start to contribute what I came here to do.
This course is already a godsend – just finishing module one. It’s like the bumpers on a ten-pin alley for little kids and shit bowlers. It’s keeping me on track. I know this is going to help. Huge thanks to you.
This was wonderful :), especially the last session which is my favorite. Thank you so very much!
Reaching out to thank you for your time and effort on Private Life Live. At $100 US you severely underpaid yourself!
I’d like to thank you for helping me to unlock my feelings, and finally recognise the root cause of my reaction/projection behaviour patterns. I found the pertinent sessions in the knowledge share invaluable.
I've completed your Lessons in Law, Law for Mankind Foundations and Private Life courses. I do very much resonate with creating the inner shifts and approaching things in the simplest, most-straightforward way possible. Most of the time people are approaching things with complicated paperwork, language, and from unresolved triggers as a way of protecting from the outside in, where your material is transforming from within, so the outside will arrange in harmony around you.
i: a man; Jerome; say thank you for the knowledge held in private Life, amazing; many blessings and much love
I perked up when Greg talked about our soul work as opposed to the holes our spirit tries to fill so we can live more comfortably in hell. One of the biggest takeaways I got is that something must fundamentally shift in our consciousness and knowing who we are. It’s not about getting around the legal system, but to know this power we have and live out from that power. When we do, we automatically live in harmony with others. We stop making messes (controversy) and therefore no longer need to “protect” ourselves. Thank you Greg for sharing your insights and hard won wisdom with us.
Thank you tremendously. This really opened my eyes, mind, and heart to what this is about. It also opened myself up to have more compassion. The entanglements and aura visuals were super helpful. The explanations of getting to the root of the feeling of our personal reactions is even bigger. The idea of going at my own pace without fear is the biggest takeaway from ALL of this. Reminding us of the pure being and to live with an intention that serves us when we are aligned with authenticity is huge!
One of my primary motivations is the creation of life and business in the private. I did the private life live workshop and feel well equipped to build that reality into my life. There are some areas I need to take full responsibility in. But I’m super grateful that feels well within reach.
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Lessons in Law Testimonials
I literally walked out in the world with a different 🔥 and created new circumstances in 48 hrs. Bless you. This has put me right back on the map as i: a man
Thank you for creating the course and all the inner work you have done to get to this point. I completed the Lessons In Law course and I shifted by the end of it!
I've completed your Lessons in Law, Law for Mankind Foundations and Private Life courses. I do very much resonate with creating the inner shifts and approaching things in the simplest, most-straightforward way possible. Most of the time people are approaching things with complicated paperwork, language, and from unresolved triggers as a way of protecting from the outside in, where your material is transforming from within, so the outside will arrange in harmony around you.
Thank you for introducing me to this way. It might be one of the most powerful teachings for helping me heal and transform past experiences. Law still seems to be such a major key to freedom. This program seems to be so great and could empower me and serve as an integrative component to my path. I wanted to express my gratitude and excitement about this course.
I really appreciate you sharing this information. You simplified everything and cut through all the bullshit that the legal system uses to add insult to injury. Our beautiful planet Earth needs this information right now as we face some challenging times.
I went through the 8 lessons, what an eye opening. Your lessons are really going to make a difference in my life and that of my family. Thanks once again
thank you for existing; i cannot tell you how much what you have shared freely has resonated with me. i have been on another path to sovereignty that i was not in harmony with and so i chose not to continue. i only wish i'd found you sooner. (...) i just wanted to express my sincerest gratitude for the insightful knowledge you shared
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been wishing for this! So grateful!
Free Q&A Testimonials
My taking your course, and using it to secure a mothers child back into her custody using the law for mankind's teachings, where solicitors had failed for 3 years; your system took 20 minutes to resolve the issue in her favour, powerful stuff
i had the opportunity to put to test what i learnt pretty much in time with the end of the course at court - due to an expired driver's license fine. Although i consider the outcome a success (the fine was reduced by half and no court fees to pay), i believe if i had had a bit more time to integrate certain aspects of the knowledge share, i would have been able to actually hold my own court. I think i had lined up the chess figures pretty well, but missed out on one particular move to get the magistrate to play chess instead of monopoly. Having to deal with the court case during the course was such a great opportunity to apply insights in real life and observe my emotions and shift energies, it was really empowering. The absolute biggest and most unexpected outcome of the course is the effect it had on my lifelong struggle with dealing with anger. i feel the course overall increased my self confidence, the soul part of this course resonated with me on a more profound level than any other things i heard and tried over time.
I have been integrating and implementing a deeper innerstanding of the sovereign's way course. There's still a lot of material in the knowledge archives i have not looked into yet. However, this process continues to transform and liberate. I am so grateful.
I would like to give gratitude for the manner of which this content presented and the humility of the men who developed it. Your service to humanity is highly esteemed. I especially appreciate the emphasis on Love and the open heart approach one should have with this knowledge. Its power can never be overestimated.
I have been integrating and implementing a deeper innerstanding of the sovereign's way course. This process continues to transform and liberate. I am so grateful.
i have done your course and magical results did happen with standing in my power and the law unto i; it has slung me into a different realm, your wonderful format, energy and knowledge, and then actually applying it, has been the most orgasmical experience of my life, thank you!
Still undoing the boogie man mentality of them and they. The knowledge I gained from your course really flowed back through a lot of my past work revealing how there really is an alternative to the hypocrisy of implied authority. I’m a man who I feel has maintained a connection to freedom my entire life. Just not knowing how to protect and express that inner knowing has been the problem. Im feeling much more confident after the course.
Thanks to Greg and Jon I Now have the knowledge to proceed with a Claim for the heinous trespass against I. What is important with the Law for Mankind Program is that we now have a sense of hope and freedom and far reaching effects into our spiritual, emotional and mental health. I encourage everyone to join the program and change their life in unparalleled ways.
It feels like i'm on a path of integration and being mindful of how my new knowledge can let old patterns fall away. i was able to bring forth remedy for contract that was bringing me harm in two correspondences. (initiated Module 3 and resolved before Module 10.) i've felt a shift with my need to convince. it was a real breakthrough for me to see that it's spiritual violence as far as free will. this course was life-changing in giving me the tools and knowledge to effectively use my voice and power in this crazy world
I worked through two controversy's (...). I understand that the goal is to seek remedy and is not to do something that would cause more controversy so I am content with what I learned in both situations. Learn and move on. I have become more honest in my partner relationship. I have become calmer and less defensive since starting the course. The biggest change has been what has happened since I practised, 'I wish that I desired to know myself.' I am now knowing fear. I am allowing myself to feel it rather than pushing it away in various ways. I am recognizing the ways I buried fear and I am making gains in dropping these addictive behaviours. I am trying to focus on the Law of Attraction and am beginning to learn how to allow and to ask for the abundancy. I have attracted less than what I am beginning to desire now with the benefits of the course. Spending time each day with the course material is the most important thing I do right now.
The course has changed how I view everything I see and hear, I will continue to integrate the knowledge from here on out and practice if necessary. Thank you both for this wonderful course 🙏🏻
the information gained so far has added clarity and created a better understanding of where pre-existing information failed. My previous experience could of been more successful with the information provide and learned so far
I feel less fear in general. The world is no longer upside down
Having this knowledge, I see the legal society in a completely different light. I now know the true feeling of freedom. It really is an internal job, nobody can take that away from us. Feeling empowered; I don’t have a problem expressing my needs and setting my boundaries anymore. Overall feeling of being in harmony with nature and my surroundings. It has changed me tremendously. I keep thinking about all the areas of my life where I could have applied this in the past with great success. Personal relationships have been affected also….not that shy about telling the truth even if it may hurt people. You’ve been a tremendous influence.
i loved every moment of it - i was ready! Thank you so much. xo
That was an awesome share last night! Can't wait for the replay. We feel you guys are Divine gifts and the synchronicity couldn't be more aptly timed.
Law for mankind helped it all click!!!! It’s so simple but not easy to get here… But to find this freedom- this sovereigness!!! Is so beautiful. Such a total game changer.
Anyway, just want to thank you for all the work you’ve both done — peeling away the layers….. omg!!!!!! To get behind all these lies, rules, words, titles. Mind blowing.
Christie Fisher
After the zoom meeting [with Greg and Jon] i decided to not wear any mask any more no matter what, and i succeeded in confronting man and woman who wanted me to wear a mask; i was already confident with the knowledge to defend my rights...
Hans Aeppli
For years I have been interested in becoming sovereign, but nothing ever resonated with the different paperwork proposals i have encountered. I have even seen people do it all and still end up in prison! Not inspiring at all. However, yesterday your information hit home big time. I am looking forward to embarking on this journey with both you Greg and Jon.
Congratulations for sharing your passion and knowledge. The time is indeed Now!
Congratulations all on a very energy-packed session. T'was invigorating!
Thank you for sharing your vitality....may it become the turning of the tide....
In gratitude
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