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How does the law translate to other world views that do not recognize the concept of “private property,” as it is understood by western cultures?

My understanding of the epistemology of this concept is that ‘private property’ refers to a kind of system that allocates particular objects (like pieces of land) to particular individuals to use and manage as they please, to the exclusion of others. In general this implies that the right of a proprietor is to decide to do as they please about the object or resource that they own, seemingly independent of whether or not others are affected by their decision. That said, some human societies have existed for millennia, satisfying the needs and wants of their members, without the concept of ‘private property’—namely native and indigenous peoples in the Americas.

How does law, as taught by greg & john, translate to other world views that do not recognize the concept of private property, as it is understood by western cultures?

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