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I have Guardianship over my 3 grand children. But I don’t have primary guardianship. Meaning, I can’t make decisions on their behalf. This was taken away from me by devious means and was settled in Maritime court where they took jurisdiction over the case. Rightly I should have them full time. Once I go to remove myself from the corporate world, can I also bring my grandchildren out with me? And would this put them back in my custody, where they rightfully belong? Thank you

My grandchildren were stripped from me by nefarious means. I have retained primary custody of them most of their lives. We have bonded as a mother and child bond that can’t be broken. I am praying this will be the final step to get my babies back where they belong.
Their drug addicted mother (my daughter) and her estranged husband (who has a felony record for trying to burn down the family home) signed an affidavit giving the daddy’s half sister guardianship of the children. She has never been involved in their lives up til now. She went into this wanting to adopt them after a year. I stepped in and fought for full custody. She wanted to settle and give me primary, which I should have taken and didn’t, now she has them and never sees them because she sends them to stay with their other grandma, where dad now lives, and is breaking every written rule of the court order. Anyways it goes on and on. Whereas, I uphold my end and abide by the court order.

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