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I received a DEMAND FOR COMPLIANCE OR POSSESSION (for not wearing a mask in common areas, for which there is nothing in the lease requiring it) on 27 July 2021 (unsigned) from the Landlord/Administrator of the apartments where i live which are subsidized for low income for people age 62 & older. After consulting with a few legal ‘authorities,’ i submitted a request for reasonable accommodation (the only option i knew of at the time) along with a letter stating reasons (reasons were required) on 9 August 2021. To date i have received no response whether it was accepted or not. I know this is in the legal right now. Even though no news is said to be good news, i do not want to assume that, nor to receive a 30-day notice to vacate the premises down the road. What would be the appropriate steps to address this in the private as what i believe is a trespass by way of intimidation (if not others) ? Thank you for these Q&A Calls – there are so many interesting questions from participants !

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