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In terms of ‘forced vaccines’, in Western Australia under the 2016 Public Health Act (sections 184 and 185), it outlines that under a state of emergency, ‘officers’ can come to your home or school, strip you and your children naked, force vaccinations and medical treatment on you and/or remove you/ your children. The state of emergency was passed in March 2020 (albeit in the Monopoly game). In June 2020 RMIT (Public Research University), under fact research published an article ‘Do WA’s emergency health powers allow forcible testing, vaccination and removal of underwear of children? ‘ The article concludes with Michael Eburn from College of Law at the Australian National University, saying ‘there are a number of laws that are in conflict with these emergency powers. One of them is the law that medical treatment requires the patient’s consent. Clearly the emergency powers under the Public Health Act override all those conflicting laws,”  That said and as a dual British/ Australian citizen living in Western Australia with 2 young children, how do I: 1)Shed the fear and feel safe 2.) ’Override’ this one THANKYOU

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