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Mexico law- you compared various countries as to how it would likely vary, applying this to countries other than the commonwealth countries. Do you have anything you could say regarding Mexico?

Mexico- In lesson 2 faq session you compared various countries like Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Slovenia etc vs the commonwealth countries in applying the law. Do you have anything you could say regarding how Mexico would be in that regard? Or anything else you could say about Mexico?
I think it was about 10 years ago that Mexico made various changes to improve the court system etc and I believe that it included that now one is considered innocent until proven guilty vs how it had been, the other way around. Now of course that point is talking in terms of their legal system.
So I just wondered where you might suggest Mexico sits amongst the variations you had talked about in lesson 2 faq. Thank you for your thoughts and time, All the best.

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Leave a Reply to jan verlende

  1. it looks difficult to do this for every country, maybe it is possible to go over this item more in general. i was suprissed to her that the law of a country is real and that it is what people of a country agree on togheter that this law is the way they are gone live togheter, i have never experienced this in the land i am born and live in and second if this law of a country is important than i have to know this law (what is impossible in Belgium). Is it possible to make clarity on this item because i do not understand