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My bank emailed to inform me that the IRS will soon monitoring account activities, urging me to write to a Representative to help stop this from occurring. What trespass would this be as an invasion of privacy? I was not given a specific IRS man or woman who i could write notice to. How do you suggest i deal with this type of situation?

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  1. Assuming you are in the United States, the part of the Congressional bill containing the provision for the IRS to monitor all bank accounts with transactions over $10,000. per year HAS BEEN DROPPED. Unless they were lying, and I have not looked at the bill to check, I believe this to be true. But, the bank was simply suggesting you write to your Congress critters to object to this item. You could still do that. At this point it is not in the hands of the IRS.

    1. I read recently about a proposal to lower that $10,000 to just $600 – not sure if that is what you’re referring to as having been dropped, but the $10k threshold which requires banks to report those transactions has been in place for many, many, years – it’s not something new.

  2. Yes, what would be best trespass? notice that you would consider it harm and trespass on property of i, what kind of trespass – attempt at theft? casing one’s bank account? it is trespass on one’s property just like our physical land…helpful to hear how course leads would handle this