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My wife and I wish to stop paying income tax. Last year we paid tax on our crypto income as part of our Trust accounts. As the act of treating our crypto as assets and the compensation from them as income this year we plan simply not to give any crypto details to our accountant. Instead, if asked we will say we re-classified our crypto as the property of i, and the gains as compensation. Any comments please?

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Leave a Reply to Michèle

  1. My question is similar. Two specifics though please:
    1. I’d like to know how we avoid the KYC requirements to take part in Crypto without tying us in to being part of ‘the corporate system’, and as such, being liable to pay tax to the governement corporation. Like if I want to manage all my crypto via a Private Trust, how do I do the KYC for the exchanges I need to use to purchase?
    2. Do you have any experience specific to helping people in Australia or Japan achieve the Sovereign Way? If so, are there any differences we need to cater for?
    Thank you!!