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the sister of i, is not able to express her law common to i, by way of autism. i ask, can i, represent her in a court of the sister of i, with honour having done due diligence in research, to stop those who can harm said sister by way of injection of genetic therapy that is shown not to have efficacy and to have no long term safety

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  1. I ask if you could claim she is property of you are wo/man, as she is in your care, and you notice that you consider it a trespass by way of harm to vaccinate, (not clear if it is a good idea of giving some information as why you believe it causes harm just to increase understanding but not to argue –as you make law of the property )

    I ask if “immediate threat” for life of property of I – exists in the law of mankind –to take physical recourse to protect in the moment?

    1. thanks for this Sarah…i’ve been grappling for over a year waiting to be summoned …and now i have the answer – i just heard in this mankind last module that family is the property of i, so there it is – my sister is my property no matter she is not a child i still protect her from harm – i felt stuck because she has lived all her life in care – she’s not in my care -so i felt they had power over her but they don’t – she is my family which is my property in the most ethical sense of the word – property as in protected by me, property is protection – and even more so because she is disabled and you see it in their legalities – their acts, regulations – they struggle with it and have to acknowledge that they cannot impinge on the rights of women and men who are disabled…interesting.. thank you for your response Sarah..thank you…