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What’s the best way to start to reclaim our freedom from government control/oppression -first steps to take?

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  1. Jeg ønsker også at det blir tatt hensyn til svar som gjelder for flere steder enn Amerika om det er mulig. Jeg er selv fra Norge og syntes det er viktig at svarene generelt kan besvares generelt til alle land også utenfor USA. Takk for forståelsen ?

  2. I paid for & tried to get my live birth certificate in 2017.
    After being stuffed around by the department for weeks ringing etc they made me go in.
    When there, they made me wait 3 hrs to nearly closing time, having seen & dealt with everyone else that came after me.
    I was so upset, I knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t call me up but looked at me often, but I ended up going up in the end, stayed diplomatic, asked to see the manager wouldn’t get them so spoke to shift manager who was there whole time, he acted dumb, gave me my birth certificate finally.
    We left & when I looked at it, it was Not my Live birth certificate & the info on it was laughable & not completed properly. Info missing.
    I was surveilled very closely by local govt bodies after that as well, followed etc, though they tried not to make it obvious.
    I still don’t have my live birth certificate.
    Interestingly also after sustaining injury X2 over last 4 years, I believe black magic has been used against me in this, as ridiculous as it may sound, but know these guys are masters of magic, deception & lies.
    I believe I was targeted.
    Note too:
    At one of my calls to them I was trying to get to the bottom of it, the guy said to me “oh the day you applied for your birth certificate 4 others applied also under same name, date of birth everything. WTF what were the odds of that here in Au, that 4 other people would be applying on same day, with Exactly the same full name, with the exact same date of birth, Are you kidding me!
    This is the fraudulent crap that these evils are doing to us.
    What else are they doing with my personal details???