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When claiming a charge of trespass by way of extortion, lies and psychological harm, what evidence does one need to provide?

For the claim of trespass by way of extortion and psychological harm i think having the proof of the vaccine mandate giving you the "jab or no job" order in conjunction with the proof of correspondence and notices sent is enough as evidence. As for the claim of trespass by way of lies i am guessing that i will have to bring in expert witnesses to back my claim, is this correct?

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Leave a Reply to Sarah Forsythe

  1. stress, fear? loss of sleep? sadness, depression, not visiting friends, public spaces, anhedonia etc…. need a doctor or psychologist eval? family to testify too? Seems getting a professional evaluation where one an express full range of feelings and behavioral changes and changes to finances..spirit?? also to record the session perhaps with professional..