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How feasible is it for any wo/man to serve a notice upon the leader of a country, acting as a Prime Minister etc, for harm & trespass? I saw recent video footage of Chris Whitty being served with a notice for crimes against humanity. If a wo/man derives income from the government via benefit payments (eg. for illness/inability to work etc), can that wo/man still serve notices upon public servants that cause harm & trespass, in a way that does not put their source of income in jeopardy/depriving them of a means to live/survive?

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    1. Hi Mark,
      Yes, he was actually served, because one of his handlers/bodyguards took it.
      Having worked as a public servant (in records management, including patents) in my previous life, I know that they would need to deliver that item of correspondence, & it would need to be processed accordingly. Watch the video again, & scrutinise CW’s body language. In my opinion, he knows his days are numbered. Bring it on!