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I have started a Private Membership Association which is also an unincorporated Ministry, to which i receive donations for work i do. Can you please speak to the benefits of using PMAs to work in the private domain and how they support the law common to i? I believe The Sovereign’s Way is a PMA (private club) of which I became a member. Do you use the PMA to conduct all your business?

PMAs as a legal way to get out of the public domain and into the private domain- out of the jurisdiction of the county, state, feds. The NAACP, The Boy Scouts, the Democratic National Convention, etc are all PMAs and so there seems to be a lot of power in becoming a PMA, but still I'm just beginning this journey.

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  1. Greetings,
    How have you progressed with this as we are interested in doing the same but not any legal contamination. Legal as per Britanica stand for against God.