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If a legal complaint heard by a court, an unfavorable order given by Judge; since it is an order from wo/man, would not the same “i, charge $$$$, and $$$$ per minute to take said order”, or alternatively not sign/autograph presentment?

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  1. To add to this question:
    (Australia) i am currently experiencing executors of my parents estate not honouring the contracts and signed agreements between i, and my now dead parents, (we carried out business together), and where they are using my monies to sue me in Supreme Court for past 2.5 years, and have even gone to having a Queens Counsel represent them, while trying to bankrupt i, at the same time (my now former accountant is husband to one of the executors and who has been actively acting on behalf of the estate while i was still a client of his practice) draining the monies held in trust for their own personal gain