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My neighbor fabricated a complaint to police, police laid charges w/o investigating and now a prosecutor is prosecuting a fabricated complaint never investigated by police, do I press a claim against all 3 at once or separately?

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  1. the thing here i: a man; feel from experience, is that it is a [s]he said [s]he said situation unless the neighbor has real live witness[s], video, or is it [s]he/he word against you: as a woman; let us say you; Harriet;

    I, can give all three correspondence[s] notices, the only press against the one then when you go after the original instigator,
    wherefore, the pro-se-cutor or policy enforcers are taking the word of hearsay, and the end result would be the original culprit who started the lies, when no facts are present;
    the policy enforcers along with their co-parts pro-se-cutors are said to be able to indict a ham sandwich, having said that, i, would go after the instigator and use the others as witness[s] against the neighbor…. And show them all that they wasted your time, the court’s time, the people’s funds on a false bogus trumped up trespass by way of lies, deceit, perjury, etc. which cause you harm, by way of
    : 0 defec[m]ation : ) of character, ruined your good standing with your local friends, other neighbors, the local public which cause you harm by way of good standing … financial loss, stress, malicious intent to cause you more harm loss of labour, etc….
    it is i, comprehension that we can use the public buildings for i, private matters, and when others cause a trespass by way of….. then we want they to think they can and will continue to move their witch hunts through the court building , then BAM@! You, got them… ;
    by filing you, trespass by way of…; you, require a trial by jury, use the policy enforcers and their co-parts as you, witness[es] their will be no way out for they or the original instigator ;
    then after if you, like you go after the policy enforcer, and pro-se-cutor because you already gave they, a chance and they continue even after time treble compensations: jackpot; bingo; lottery; good fortune;
    : )

    just i, thoughts;