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Our premier ( Western Australia) has now mandated vax for almost the whole workforce and is using fines for businesses & individuals to enforce this. Would you notice the premier as a man to the effect that you don’t accept the order and if it comes into effect you would consider it a trespass by way of damage/extortion as you can no longer earn a living the way that you have been and that you require what you have been earning as compensation ongoingly? it is however not lost on me that I’m not completely thrilled with my work at the moment and perhaps the universe is loving me and getting me to confront this.

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  1. Or offer to take the jab for $1 million dollars (it is “law common to i” What’s it worth to you?).
    Yes. If they give you the ultimatum it is trespass by way of extortion/threat/barratry/harm…. Do you want to keep your “job”? ha ha

    1. Carol there is no amount of money…..
      I’d like the option of working but ultimately I may be better off focusing on what I’d love to be doing. I work as a live musician and anticipate agents and venues falling into line as they’ll believe it’s law and if you’re not jabbed you wont get hired. It may not be the best thing to do, picking a battle for something you want to get out of.

  2. do not be deceived. mandatory is not a law. required is not a law. mandated is not a law. requested is not a law. ordered is not a law. ordinance is not a law. decree is not a law. compulsory is not a law. check their language. i watched a great dissertation by dr david martin on this the other day.

    1. Yes I’ve spent many hours with David over the last 18 months and read both of his books. I’m clear it’s unlawful, but my experience over the last few years is that most think these things are laws. I work as a live musician and anticipate agents and venues falling into line as they’ll believe it’s law and if you’re not jabbed you wont get hired. So ultimately it’s about can still get my income or should I move on, as ultimately I want to get out of what I’m doing.