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Should notices be typed or hand written? Or is that not important at all? Is there a benefit to one over the other? Thank you!

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Leave a Reply to Christina Sophia

  1. Thank you for this question. It is not specifically discussed in any of the recordings that I have listened to. I need clarity around the (I hate to use the legal word) “signature” but the hand written thing that I normally add to all the damn contracts I have signed! lol Should I never “sign” anything any more? Let’s say I want to install air conditioning but the HVAC company/man will not do it unless I “sign” his contract. Is that simply a matter of moving on or negotiating as a woman? Anyway… I too want more information about hand written vs typed and the addition (or not) of the “signature” please.

    1. I think we need to be proactive. When they want us to “sign” their contract, we should prior to that ask them to write their living wo/man name on the notice we have for all such occasions. Could this help?