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The art of asking questions: can you role play some scenarios for the group please?

I'm thinking about you dealing with the police and other authorities.

I get the theory about asking questions, but would love to hear your tone and see how you avoid being belligerent when you're dealing with a nasty policeman.

The more scenarios/authorities you perform for us, the merrier.

Perhaps you could record and add these to the lesson about asking questions.

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  1. I generally go about “normal” life without hassle for not wearing a mask but I had one bizarre shop keeper do a 180 on me. It’s been on my mind.
    When I asked why she was afraid she said that she didn’t want to get fined. I said that wouldn’t happen but I should have said something else because she basically had a meltdown. Heartbreaking. I then made it worse by trying to explain that everything is voluntary and there is no public health emergency…. It was lifted in June.

    I would like to get to a point where I feel comfortable knowing that I could handle myself if a shop keeper does call the police and they show up. I actually *want to see what they would say. I want to know what questions I can ask them so I have proof that there is no covid law for which they can enforce. Would they charge me for trespassing? What questions would I ask them so that I don’t get charged? I want to have a positive experience and a positive outcome. Is it wrong to want this to be learning opportunity for the shop owner?

  2. I agree that this would be helpful. I’m also wondering if it’s better to be proactive and tell any “powers that be” about intentions to willfully ignore certain codes/statutes that are unjust/unfair – or is it better to deal with objections that are certain to arise after I ignore their monopoly rules?