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what are the extra steps for a woman to claim sovereignty if she is not born in the current land she lives, in the first place? is it still possible?

sorry if this question has already been addressed. i am NOT born in the United States, my dad is an immigrant and i obtained my citizenship through him [i didnt take the citizenship test, USCIS issued me U.S. passport when i was 22. though they issued me a green card when i was 15. I was in and out of the United States during those years and i settled here at 22] where do i start my readings regarding this?

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    1. im not sure what this means yet.
      i guess my ultimate goal is to claim my labor 100% and settle my status to the IRS.
      so my question is, can i still do that even if im an immigrant in the U.S.?

  1. Can I send a note to the president of a country that is not were i was born, but that i have my “naturalization” on that country? I feel like my situation is confusing because i don’t understand if you can send notes and claims to whomever i feel in need of, regardless of the land i was born.

  2. I am South African born, reside now in Australia, have dual South African and Australian citizenship; does this limit my sovereignty rights here?
    There is no longer any prospect of me returning to South Africa, and no longer necessary for me to retain that citizenship. Does it make any difference if I relinquish my South African citizenship?
    My husband is Australian born; our two sons are South African born, but automatically entitled to Australian citizenship through father. Are their sovereignty rights limited in any way?