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i, am at the courtrooms to file the created documents for setting up court of i, to press for a trespass, but the clerk is refusing to take them as they are not “regular” forms and clerk is not willing to accept law v legal. How would you ensure that the clerk accepts the paperwork of i, to enable court of i, to take place?

a few of us from the TSW course just ran a mock scenario with an acting belligerent clerk, – the practice was awesome, but this Q came out of it .

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  1. i have not filed yet my documents, but i dealt with the clerk in my corrupted courthouse, when looking for my trial exhibits. Unsuccessful attempt, i am having similar concerns as in this question,

    i would be interested in hearing from those wo/man of LFK who were attempting the same, or planning on doing it (like myself), i think that is the next step – to see how the implementation of LFK is taking place.